Microfocus X-ray tube
Microfocus X-ray tube
A microfocus X-ray tube has been created in the Institute for Roentgen Optics (IRO).
The x-ray tube is based on electromagnetic focusing of electron beam. Two types of anodes are used – reflection and transmission ones.
In case of transmission anode of X-ray tubes, 10W beam is focused to a 10-micron focal spot. In this instance, for example, for Cu Ka, a flux of 4·1012 monochromatic photon/sec has been obtained.
This flux is unprecedented in the world for transmission anodes of microfocus x-ray tubes.
There is a possibility of compressing the electron flux to (1~3) micron at less power.
In case of reflection anode of x-ray tubes, the power of (40~50) watt can be focused to a (10~15) micron focal spot. In this instance, anode would be at a 1 mm distance from the window.

This microfocus x-ray tube has a wide range of application in science, material science, applied fields such as microelectronics, forensic sciences, jewelry industry and so on.
The microfocus x-ray tube was used in phase contrast investigations of biological and other objects. In this case, extremely high spatial resolution was obtained in materials featuring weak contrast, where standard absorption methods are not applicable.
The microfocus x-ray tube was also used in various diffraction studies.

The transmission anode x-ray tube enables unique capabilities when combined with Kumakhov’s polycapillary optics because of the possibility of putting optics very close to anode.
Such super compact geometry makes it possible to obtain super bright x-ray fluxes from microfocus x-ray tubes after Kumakhov lens.