Museum IRO - Books and patents on capillary optics, X-ray optics and so on ...
M.A.Kumakhov / F.F.Komarov
Radiation From Charged Particles in Solids
American Institute of Phisics, New York, 1989
F.F.Komarov / M.A.Kumakhov / I.S.Tashlykov
Non-destructive Ion Beam Analysis of Surfaces
Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, New York - Philadelphia - London - Paris - Montreux - Tokyo - Melbourne, 1990
M.A.Kumakhov / R.Wedell
Radiation of Relativistic Light Particles during Interaction with Single Crystals
Spectrum Akademischer Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg - Berlin - New York, 1991
M. Kumakhov/ G. Shrimmer
Atomic behavior in crystalls
Atomizdat, Moscow, 1980
M, Kumakhov / F. Komarov
Radiation of charged particles in solid bodies
Publisher "Universitetskoje", Minsk, USSR, 1985
The documental video about new generation analytical devices developed in IRO, presented in Congress and International Assembly of crystallography in august 2002, Switzerland
Proceedings International Conference on Roentgen and neutron capillar optics, Russia, Zvenigorod 2001
directed by Kumakhov
SPIE, Vol. 4765
Proceedings of 2-nd International Conference on Roentgen and neutron capillar optics, Russia, Zvenigorod 2004
directed by Kumakhov
SPIE, Vol. 5943
Publications in mass media