Advanced analytical system for nanostructure investigations
X-ray reflectometry is now widely used in science and technology to measure and monitor thin film thickness, roughness of super- smooth surfaces, period of multilayer nanostructures and surface layer density. An X-ray Reflectometer X-Ray MiniLab manufactured by the Institute for Roentgen Optics (IRO) is now the most powerful tool in this X-ray metrology due to its unique features providing simultaneous measurements with a number of spectral lines. The X-ray reflectometer is specifically designed for diagnostics of thin films and interfaces. But due to flexible scheme it can also ensure standard X-ray techniques.
The IRO X-ray Reflectometer is based on latest developments in semitransparent monochromators, Kumakhov polycapillary optics, and unique patented design. We offer a genuine Minilab with unmatched combination of analytical features.
Complex of X-ray devices
Based on X-ray Reflectometer
5 Basic Operation Modes:
¨ Reflectometry
¨ Diffractometry
¨ Refractometry
¨ Small-angle scattering
¨ X-ray fluorescence
Try and enjoy advantages of simultaneous measurements in different spectral bands
Technical Specification
Controlled parameters:
¨ Surface and interface roughness (down to 0.05 nm)
¨ Thin layer thickness (1-300 nm)
¨ Structure period ( 0.1 nm )
¨ Surface layer density
¨ Radius and concentration of nano-particles
¨ Composition of layers
¨ Radius of curvature (up to 300m) Layered structure period
Software codes for:
◊ system operation
◊ system testing
◊ reflectometry and refractometry data procession ◊ crystal parameters data-base (optional)
Goniometer system:
Minimum angle step 0,0002o (0,7²)
angle range -145o (2q-detector axis)
-180 (w-sample axis)
sample linear translation with 2,5 mm step, range 100 mm maximum sample size 200 mm
X-ray tube power supply:
High voltage range 10-45 kV
Power 300 W (500 W optional)
Power stability 0,01% Closed water cooling system with distilled water
Detection system:
◊ 3 scintillation channels ◊ Cooled Si-detector with a spectrum analyzer
Dimensions, mm (length x width x hight):
◊ Reflectometer X-ray scheme 950 ´ 500 ´ 450
◊ Operation table 1200 ´ 700 ´ 780 ◊ Device in protective housing 1200 ´ 700 ´ 1370
System weight, kg:
◊ Reflectometer X-ray scheme 35 ◊ Device in protective housing 135
New patented X-ray optical scheme of X-ray reflectometer MiniLab


Spectral lines are selected from the beam by tuning semitransparent monochramators to the predetermined Bragg angles. The X-ray scheme provides simultaneous measurements with two spectral lines (standard anode) and with three ones (composed anode) in this X-ray reflectometer
Short Application Notes on X-ray Reflectometer
Measurements of nano-size oxide layers
Mode 1:
Relative reflectometry mode
Provided now only by X-Ray reflectometer MiniLab
Unique method of intensity contrast development
EXAMPLE 1 Determination of very thin oxide layers |
Sample description
Substrate: Si wafer
Film: Ni (900 nm) deposited by magnetron sputtering Exposed to air atmosphere during 3 months after the preparation.
Fig.1. Angle dependence of reflected intensity ratio I(CuKa)/I(CuKb):
dots experiment, solid line - mathematical simulation for idea. vacuum-Ni interface
Measured data: film thickness d(NiOx)=3,0 nm, NiOx composition x=1,9, film density r(NiOx)=5,5 g/cm3, surface roughness s=0,5 nm

EXAMPLE 2 Investigation of ion-implanted samples
Sample description
Substrate: Si wafer with 42,5 nm oxide film F+ - 40 keV, D=9,25 1015 ion/cm2
Fig. 2. Angle dependence of reflectivity for F+ -implanted sample at l1=0,154 nm (1) and l2=0,139 nm (2)
Absence of intensity contrast in small angle range 2q<1o.

Fig. 3. Angle dependence of the reflectivity ratio R(l1)/R(l2) for F+ -implanted sample at l=0,154 nm and l=0,139 nm (2)
Intensity contrast development in small angle range 2q<1o.

Mode 2:
Bragg-Brentano focusing scheme
Samples powders of aspirin and zeolite/
X-ray power 28 kV, 10 mA
Fig. 2. q-2q diffraction scan of aspirin powder.
Repeatability test Two successive scans with two-hours interval: first solid line, second - dots .
Fig. 3. q-2q diffraction scan of zeolite powder
Mode 3:
X-ray fluorescence
magnetic memory disc
Detection: Semiconductor Si-detector, 7 mm2
X-ray source: Cu-anode X-ray tube, 30 kV, 1 mA
Collimation: Polycapillary Kumakhov lens, focus spot 400 mm.
Fig. 4. X-ray fluorescence spectrum from magnetic memory layer.
Mode 4:
X-ray refraction
Provided now only by X-Ray reflectometer MiniLab |
Sample description
Substrate: Si wafer Bilayer structure: C(33 nm) - Ni (120 nm) deposited by thermal evaporation
Direct determination of the thin film density
Fig. 5. Refractogram of bilayer structure C-Ni/Si, grazing angle Θ=-0,08o.